SMT is able to expand Market Access from initial coverage and reimbursement strategies, to the development of clinical and evidentiary objectives to support the marketing value of a product, through to access and acceptance by the ultimate user.

SMT and its associates are knowledgeable about diverse health care issues because of their affiliations with universities, independent think tanks, government agencies, managed care organizations, medical societies, and measures and guideline developers. Through its vast and diverse experience, SMT can create a value message that is attuned to the different audiences and the challenges they face with quality performance and diminishing budgets and align your marketing message with those goals.

The SMT team integrates policy issues and drivers into strategies that support the commercial objectives of our clients’ marketing and sales teams, and helps to build evidence focused on their customers (decision makers) and product value. SMT works closely with clients to keep them ahead of the curve on changes in health care practices and policies. SMT’s network with policy makers is especially helpful when combining the interests of multiple audiences into a viable campaign to correct errors in policies, while protecting access to important drugs and devices.

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